Asbestos training courses

Training Courses for Asbestos Removal

A complete range of nationally accredited asbestos training courses for homeowners, labourers, maintenance personnel, tradespeople, removalists, and assessors.

Non-Friable Asbestos Removal (Class B)CPCCDE3014

Next Course 10/02/2025 AdelaideCITB discounted price2 $190
Full price1 $500

Remove Friable Asbestos Training Course (Class A) CPCCDE3015A

Friable Asbestos Removal (Class A)CPCCDE3015

Next Course 25/02/2025 AdelaideCITB discounted price2 $360
Full price1 $850

Asbestos Removal Supervisor Training Course CPCCBC4051A

Supervise Asbestos RemovalCPCCDE4008

Next Course 26/02/2024 AdelaideCITB discounted price2 $315
Full price1 $640

Conduct Air Monitoring and Clearance Inspections for Asbestos Removal Work Training Course CPCCDE5001

Conduct Air Monitoring and Clearance Inspections for Asbestos Removal WorkCPCCDE5001

Next Course 27/02/2025 & 28/02/2025 AdelaideCITB discounted price2 $800
Full price1 $1,800

General Asbestos Awareness Training Courses

An introduction to asbestos and the health effects of exposure, identifying asbestos and legislative compliance.

Course in Asbestos Awareness

Next Course 11/02/2025 Adelaide
CITB discounted price2 $160
Full price1 $220

Asbestos Compliance Training Course for Executives and Property Managers

Asbestos Compliance for PCBU’s & delegates
Executives, Owners, Managers, Employers & WHS Supervisors

Next Course On Demand
Full price1 $231
This course is not CITB subsidised

Working with Asbestos

A practical course designed for home renovators, maintenance personnel and tradespeople working with asbestos.

Working with Asbestos Training Course & Workshop

Working with Non-Friable Asbestos under 10sqm + Workshop

Next Course 11/02/2025 Adelaide
CITB discounted price2 $82.50
Full price1 $275


We can answer any questions

We can help you with:

• what course is the most suitable
• what dates are available
• your needs as an individual or a group
• the most convenient training location
• general enrolment queries

Customised training options

Flexible course options

Many of our courses and dates are tailored to groups or individuals. They are often not advertised as upcoming scheduled training events, or at any specific location.

Training anywhere in Australia and New Zealand

Train anywhere in Australia

We are not limited by any specific location, and can train at your facilities or at a training facility near you.

Not sure which course?

See our education pathway below to find what’s right for you:

Nationally Recognised TrainingWorkers Removing Non-Friable Asbestos

Training required for

Removing bonded asbestos containing material

e.g. fibre cement sheeting/cladding/fencing, vinyl floor tiles

Remove Non-Friable Asbestos Training Course (Class B) CPCCDE3014A

Course duration

1 day
plus pre-course reading
plus pre-course test

Includes practical exercises and open book test


Enables you to work for a removalist licensed for class B (non-friable)

Pre-requisite course

Whitecard (Australia) or SiteSafe / Site Safety Passport (NZ)

e.g. Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry – CPCCWHS1001

Nationally Recognised TrainingWorkers Removing Friable Asbestos

Training required for

Removing loose or unbonded asbestos containing material, usually with higher asbestos content, which is readily pulverised/crumbled by hand

e.g. insulation products, asbestos backed vinyl

Remove Friable Asbestos Training Course (Class A) CPCCDE3015A

Course duration

1 day
plus pre-course reading
plus pre-course test

Includes practical exercises and open book test


Enables you to work for a removalist licensed for class A (friable) and class B (non-friable)

Pre-requisite course

Whitecard (Australia) or SiteSafe / Site Safety Passport (NZ)

e.g. Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry – CPCCWHS1001

Non-Friable Asbestos Removal (Class B) – CPCCDE3014

Nationally Recognised TrainingSupervisors

Training required for

Those supervising either non-friable (Class B) or friable (Class A) asbestos removal work to satisfy licensing requirements.

Asbestos Removal Supervisor Training Course CPCCBC4051A

Course duration

1 day
plus pre-course reading
plus pre-course test

Includes practical exercises and open book test


This course fulfils the training requirements for Class A (friable) or Class B (non-friable) supervisors. This will be needed and combined with appropriate experience (1 year for Class B, and 3 years for Class A) before you can become a nominated or registered supervisor for a licensed removalist, as per the Safework/Worksafe authority requirements.

Pre-requisite course

Whitecard (Australia) or SiteSafe / Site Safety Passport (NZ)

e.g. Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry – CPCCWHS1001

Non-Friable Asbestos Removal (Class B) – CPCCDE3014 or

Friable Asbestos Removal (Class A) – CPCCDE3015

Nationally Recognised TrainingWorkers providing Asbestos Clearance Inspections

Training required for

Anyone intending to become a Licensed Asbestos Assessor under regulation to or intending to improve their inspection/audit skills.

Conduct Air Monitoring and Clearance Inspections for Asbestos Removal Work Training Course CPCCDE5001

Course duration

2 days
plus pre-course reading
plus pre-course test

Includes practical exercises and written test


Enables understanding removal process, and clearance to re-occupy criteria.

Pre-requisite course

Whitecard (Australia) or SiteSafe / Site Safety Passport (NZ)

e.g. Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry – CPCCWHS1001

Nationally Recognised TrainingEmployees, DIYers, Trades and Maintenance Workers, and all those responsible for Health and Safety on a site

Training required for

Stakeholders, workers and interested parties that require minimum suitable and adequate training to recognise and manage asbestos in place.

Asbestos Awareness & Identification Training Course

Course Duration

3-4 hours

Includes basic test


Enables understanding in the dangers of asbestos and its management according to work, health and safety requirements.

Pre-requisite course


Executives, Owners/Managers, Facility and Property Managers, Employers, and WHS Managers

Training required for

Those responsible for Health and Safety across sites and workforces that need to understand and mitigate minimise the potential for financial, perception, or health based liabilities.

Asbestos Compliance Training Course for Executives and Property Managers

Course Duration

3-4 hours

Includes basic test


Enables understanding in the dangers of asbestos and its management according to work, health and safety requirements.

Pre-requisite course


Tradespeople, Maintenance personnel and DIYers

Training required for

Any employees that may come across asbestos in their work, particularly dealing with less than 10m2 of non-friable (bonded) material for unlicensed removal work, plus understanding general requirements of all other asbestos related activities. This includes small jobs such as cutting/drilling, sanding, cleaning up of debris, fixing to asbestos cement sheet, and many others.

e.g. Working with fibre cement sheeting/cladding/fencing, vinyl floor tiles.

Working with Asbestos Training Course & Workshop

Course Duration

3-4 hours

Includes basic test


Enables basic understanding of the safety requirements for minor tasks when working with asbestos, in particular, under 10m2 of non-friable asbestos containing material (i.e. unlicensed removal work).

Pre-requisite course

Asbestos Awareness & Identification – 10675NAT

*Alternatively, Remove Non-Friable Asbestos (Class B) CPCCDE3014 is a good option, as it equates to the same amount of time as a combined Asbestos Awareness and Working with Asbestos Course.

The courses above comply with the legislative requirements for asbestos removal and asbestos related activity for the specific subject they relate to.

The courses, however, do not represent a removal licence or permission to remove asbestos containing material without a license and/or due notifications (as applicable). Asbestos Removal Licences are issued separately by the regulator (e.g. Safework / Worksafe authority) who require the license holder, in turn, to have suitably trained workers to perform removal work.

To become an Asbestos Removal License Holder

Class A and B licences are administered by the WorkSafe or Safework authority in your jurisdiction. Refer to the Asbestos Removal Licensing Guide in your jurisdiction for information on criteria and how to apply.

A removal license cannot be held without an appropriately trained, experienced and approved supervisor.

Why do I need training?

In simple terms, owners/employers/managers or their delegates must ensure their workers are deemed competent to manage asbestos and prevent (or significantly minimise) the potential for asbestos exposure. Under general Work Health and Safety provisions, a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) must ensure:

“…that information, training and instruction provided to a worker is suitable and adequate.”

More specifically:

“A person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) must ensure that workers engaged by the person, whom the person reasonably believes may be involved in asbestos removal work or in the carrying out of asbestos-related work, are trained in the identification and safe handling of, and suitable control measures for, asbestos and ACM (asbestos containing material).”

This training requirement deals directly with the removalists, maintenance workers, trades people, labourers, builders, and demolition workers who physically may do work on or near the asbestos containing material.

In addition, those who have responsibility to engage, contract, instruct, facilitate, sub-contract, employ or oversee the work must have a reasonable understanding themselves. That is, they require basic asbestos awareness training (at a minimum) to be able to administer possible asbestos related activities including managing the people directly involved. This is consistent with the aforementioned general training requirements and other asbestos management provisions prescribed in workplace health and safety regulation.

Further workplace regulation details the specific Australian Vocational Education Training (VET) competency standards required for asbestos removal, and licensing – that Asbestos & You courses comply with.


Quoted text derived from harmonised WHS regulation – wording may vary slightly in some jurisdictions, however the context and interpretation of legislation is consistent across Australia.

Australian Asbestos Removal Training 

All asbestos training packages
are compliant with
Work Health and Safety

Need refresher training?

In Victoria, for example, refresher training is required every year for friable removalists and every two years for non-friable removalists.

Irrespective of where you are in Australia, all training is required to be reviewed periodically to ensure it is “suitable and adequate” for the workforce, the built environment, and associated worker activities. This considers the risk of a person working on or in the vicinity of asbestos containing material, often infrequently with varying site scenarios, where skillsets and appropriate training needs to be maintained to minimise the potential of asbestos exposures.

Contact us to discuss your options.

Contact us